Our service journey needs your support, your donations bring support and provide relevant services to help the needy development. Please support Free Methodist Church of Hong Kong, with Care and Share, support the social workers and sustain the social services.
I. By ATM Direct Deposit/ Cash
Please deposit funds directly into our bank account through the automated teller machine/ the account in the Bank of East Asia (BEA): 015-527-10-32971-4. Please do not send cash by mail.
II. By Cheque
Please send the crossed cheque - "Hong Kong Methodist Society Social Service Department" to us
III. By Autopay
Please take the “Direct Debit Authorisation” form from our organisation
IV. By Credit Card press
Please come to our organisation website/ the bank of East Asia (BEA) Cyberbanking, choose credit card service and donate, pledge funds directly and regularly
V. By 7-Eleven Bill Payment and Donation
Please bring the leaflets with QR code or download the QR code, present it to any 7-Eleven operated in Hong Kong to donate by cash, please note that the minimum amount for the transaction is $100
Scan the QR code below and make an instant donation!
Donor's information: